The Woman in The Dark

"Hated, they all did. Now? They fear who I am, they adore mineth facade...or they are already dead." -'Anemone Coronaria'
Life behind the stone walls was naught but torment and hell for the Miqo'te. With each passing day, the feelings of regret grew within. Why had she come here? To bring honour to her father? To live in his shadow of indignity? Why did they hate beholder of the name she held, who denied his body to the eternal war, to stand abide only to his fatherly duties to his daughter? These thoughts plagued her as she lived on what remained of her father's mortal possessions in the Brume, alone and loathed. Selling her soul to the Holy See to fund their everlasting war, she did so out of necessity. To exist on hostile territory where she knew none. She very well debased herself...but not her pride.When the world above repudiated the integrity she desired, the woman simply chose the path to the world below. For a nation isolated from its worldly neighbors is but rife for the flourishing of the black markets. Deep underground stone paved roads, secluded Brume dwellings and dark interior alley halls within the city were but one of few places one could access the commodities of civilizations beyond the Coerthan peaks. Here she claimed her rite of passage, the respect she demanded, as she climbed the ladder utilising the very skills she had been taught as a noble heiress in Thavnair to good use. Through diplomacy, did she become a negotiator as she built web works for customers from within and out to their interested parties. Alas, the underground was never a safe sanctuary this she knew. Many have attempted to end her, as cabals of the world below were wont to do, yet seemingly never succeeded to do so as many would fall victim to unknown causes before any blade, or bullet was cast. It was as if, the very shadows preserved her...With a blackened veil and an extravagant dress to bare, in contrast to her commoner robes she adorned whilst chained to state servitude, she lived known only as 'Anemone Coronaria' in the world below, a flower that bloomed colours of black and white. Though it's blackish pigments were deceptively a different dye, so to was the facade of Angelina De White. Bright saintly smiles hid the darkest of her wills.
Through the black markets did she grow her wealth, paid for her services of exchange and assistance. With the downfall of the Holy See and the introduction of the Republic, she began her privately owned companies from the armaments she had made over the many winters for the state. While she supplied heavy military equipment to Ishgard and nations and interested official parties abroad, the company too was not spared to Angelina's black market whims. No longer bound by the state, the White Armament Manufactory made firearm weapons for all who could afford regardless of background deep within underground markets. Unlike their competitor, the Skysteel Manufactory, one simply paid and an exchange of goods was made. The utilization of gunpowder meant her weapons were cheap on upfront costs, for there were no Aetherotransformers. Fire and forget. Uniquely forged to the request of the customer, it was difficult to tell its origins. No validation, no tracking numbers, no machinists, no strings attached.Garlean magitek technologies intrigued her. So much so that she paid salvaged magitek war machinas and equipment through the black market itself, and in rare occurrence participate in battles against the very Empire to seize the assets she desired under banner of liberation for the Eorzean Alliance. The White Fire Logistics Courier was but a facade just as much as Angelina was to the public. Beneath the seams laid the Black Ice Military, a mercenary band responsible for providing service of smuggling and distribution of black and grey commodities in and out of the Coerthan markets and its paid militant contract work internationally with deployments from Ghimlyt Dark to Garlemald itself. It's corporate existence registered within Ul'dah but operated heavily in the lands of the frost. The firm run by a partnership of different individuals from across the underworld.While the goals of this woman is shrouded in mystery to many, she longs for the respect and prestige her family name was denied. Whether it be the acquistion of the title of Minor nobility or something more has yet to be seen.
"Others heareth shame and humiliation when our house' name art spoken, I reminisce of thine fatherly love and honour...I carry thy name with pride, Father. Prosperity, wealth and prestige...I shall have it all for thee, this I swear to Halone, but the Fury hath forsaken mine pleas long ago so perhaps not. Knoweth that I shall snuff the embers of thine tormentors and seeketh glory for thee...but Forgive me, what thy daughter hath become, what path she hath chosen... -A prayers of a woman.